Sabtu, 2 Julai 2011

Ayam Goreng Perisa Special

Patutlah ada kes aduan dari pengguna seperti bisukt ade cicak, sos ade gigi, roti ade skru... rupa-rupanya macam ni kerja dia org.
Bekerja main-main, sambil lewat, tak ikhlas

Dan ini kenyataan pihak KFC

Dear fans. We would like to thank everyone for your posts, comments and interest in our brand. We are currently investigating the matter. In the meantime, KFC remains committed to excellence and the highest food quality, service and operating standards.

Thank you, once again.

1 ulasan:

  1. Hai wanie. Thanks sbb sudi melawat blog DA. Btw, jom exchange link nak? If sudi la :)
