Jumaat, 18 Julai 2014

Pesawat Malaysia ditembak jatuh (Video & Gambar)

KIEV: Seramai 280 penumpang, 15 kru maut selepas pesawat ditembak jatuh di Ukraine, kata Penasihat Menteri Dalam Negeri Ukraine yang dipetik Interfax, agensi berita negara itu.

Sebuah pesawat Malaysia dengan 295 penumpang dilaporkan terhempas di Ukraine berhampiran sempadan Russia, hari ini.

Menurut agensi media Russia Interfax, sumber industri penerbangan berkata, pesawat Boeing itu dalam perjalanan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur.

Interfax juga melaporkan pesawat itu dipercayai ditembak jatuh pada ketinggian 10,000 meter.

Menurut seorang pegawai Kementerian Dalam Negeri Ukraine, pesawat itu dipercayai ditembak jatuh dengan peluru berpandu Buk. -HM

Sementara itu, Malaysia Airlines mengesahkan telah terputus hubungan dengan penerbangan MH17 dari Amsterdam dan lokasi terakhir pesawat itu adalah di ruang udara Ukraine.

Pesawat penumpang Malaysia terhempas di Ukraine

MOSCOW 17 Julai - Sebuah pesawat penumpang Malaysia membawa 295 penumpang dan anak kapal terhempas di Ukraine dekat sempadan Rusia, lapor Interfax memetik sumber industri penerbangan sebagai berkata.

Menurut laporan itu, pesawat Boeing itu dalam perjalanan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur apabila nahas itu berlaku.

Reuters tidak dapat mengesahkan laporan itu setakat ini. - Reuters

Malaysian passenger plane crashes in Ukraine near Russian border

KIEV (Reuters) - A Malaysian passenger airliner with 295 people on board crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border on Thursday, the Interfax news agency cited an aviation industry source as saying.

The Boeing plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, it said. Reuters could not immediately confirm the report.

The Interfax report said the plane came down 50 km (20 miles) short of entering Russian airspace. It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," the unnamed source said.
The plane appeared to have come down in a region of military action where Ukrainian government forces are battling pro-Russian separatists.

A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk. -Sumber

Malaysian airliner 'crashes in east Ukraine'

A Malaysian airliner flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has crashed in east Ukraine, where pro-Russian rebels are battling government forces, Russian and Ukrainian news agencies reported, citing aviation and security sources.

The Boeing passenger liner came down close to town of Shaktarsk in the rebellion-wracked region of Donetsk after disappearing from the radar and teams from the emergency services were trying to reach the scene, an unnamed security source told Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

Ukraine President Petro Poroshenk said the Malaysia Airlines jet may have been shot down.

Malaysia Airlines confirmed only it had "lost contact" with one of its passenger planes whose last known position was over Ukraine.

"Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam," the airline, still reeling from the disappearance of flight MH370, said on its Twitter account.

"The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace," it said, adding that it would provide more details soon. -Sumber




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