Jumaat, 25 Januari 2013

Ebook Programming Google App Engine

Google App Engine adalah aplikasi perkhidmatan web hosting.  Google App Engine merupakan sebuah Paas (Platform as a Service) yang menawarkan perkhidmatan cloud computing secara percuma. App Engine merupakan platform yang membolehkan pemaju untuk membuat dan menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi web dengan kemudahan hosting di server Google. Google App Engine menyokong aplikasi yang ditulis dalam bahasa pemograman. Dengan persekitaran runtime Java App Engine, pengguna boleh membina aplikasi yang menggunakan standard teknologi Java, termasuk JVM, Java servlet, dan bahasa aturcara java. Google App Engine direka untuk memudahkan pembangunan aplikasi rangkaian dengan memanfaatkan infrastruktur dan teknologi yang Google biasa gunakan untuk produk-produk mereka sendiri, seperti Gmail, Google+, dan Google Search.

Antara kelebihan Google Apps Engine adalah;

  • Google App Engine ini adalah perkhidmatan ini disediakan secara percuma. 
  • Penggunaannya tidak terbatas (unlimited).
  • Perkhidmatan Google App Engine juga bersepadu dengan pelbagai perkhidmatan yang lain dari Google
  • Setiap data yang kita simpan di Google App Engine secara automatik direplikasi beberapa kali oleh Google dan disimpan di pelbagai datacenter Google yang tersebar di seluruh dunia.

Download ebook Programming Google App Engine. Antara perkara yang di sentuh adalah;

1. Introducing Google App Engine 1
The Runtime Environment 2
The Static File Servers 4
The Datastore 4
Entities and Properties 5
Queries and Indexes 6
Transactions 6
The Services 8
Google Accounts 9
Task Queues and Cron Jobs 9
Developer Tools 10
The Administration Console 11
Things App Engine Doesn’t Do...Yet 12
Getting Started 13

2. Creating an Application 15
Setting Up the SDK 15
Installing the Python SDK 16
Installing the Java SDK 20
Developing the Application 24
The User Preferences Pattern 24
Developing a Python App 25
Developing a Java App 39
The Development Console 54
Registering the Application 55
The Application ID and Title 57
Setting Up a Domain Name 58
Google Apps and Authentication 59
Uploading the Application 60

Introducing the Administration Console 61

3. Handling Web Requests. 63
The App Engine Architecture 64
Configuring the Frontend 66
Configuring a Python App 66
Configuring a Java App 68
Domain Names 69
App IDs and Versions 70
Request Handlers 72
Static Files and Resource Files 75
Secure Connections 81
Authorization with Google Accounts 83
How the App Is Run 85
The Python Runtime Environment 86
The Java Runtime Environment 87
The Sandbox 88
App Caching 89
Logging 93
Quotas and Limits 96
Request Limits 96
CPU Limits 97
Service Limits 98
Deployment Limits 98
Billable Quotas 100
Resource Usage Headers 101

4. Datastore Entities. 103
Entities, Keys, and Properties 104
Introducing the Python Datastore API 105
Introducing the Java Datastore API 108
Property Values 110
Strings, Text, and Blobs 112
Unset Versus the Null Value 112
Multivalued Properties 113
Keys and Key Objects 114
Using Entities 116
Getting Entities Using Keys 116
Inspecting Entity Objects 117
Saving Entities 118
Deleting Entities 119

5. Datastore Queries. 121
Queries and Kinds 122
Query Results and Keys 122
GQL 123
The Python Query API 126
The Query Class 127
GQL in Python 128
Retrieving Results 129
Keys-Only Queries 131
The Java Query API 132
Keys-Only Queries in Java 133
Introducing Indexes 134
Automatic Indexes and Simple Queries 136
All Entities of a Kind 137
One Equality Filter 137
Greater-Than and Less-Than Filters 138
One Sort Order 139
Queries on Keys 141
Kindless Queries 142
Custom Indexes and Complex Queries 143
Multiple Sort Orders 143
Filters on Multiple Properties 144
Multiple Equality Filters 147
Not-Equal and IN Filters 150
Unset and Nonindexed Properties 150
Sort Orders and Value Types 152
Queries and Multivalued Properties 153
A Simple Example 153
MVPs in Python 154
MVPs and Equality Filters 155
MVPs and Inequality Filters 156
MVPs and Sort Orders 157
Exploding Indexes 159
Configuring Indexes 159
Index Configuration for Python 160
Index Configuration for Java 161

6. Datastore Transactions. 163
Entities and Entity Groups 165
Keys, Paths, and Ancestors 166
Ancestor Queries 167
What Can Happen in a Transaction 168
Transactional Reads 169

 Transactions in Python 169
Transactions in Java 172
How Entities Are Updated 175
How Entities Are Read 178
Batch Updates 179
How Indexes Are Updated 180

7. Data Modeling with Python. 183
Models and Properties 184
Property Declarations 185
Property Value Types 186
Property Validation 187
Nonindexed Properties 188
Automatic Values 189
List Properties 190
Models and Schema Migration 191
Modeling Relationships 192
One-to-Many Relationships 195
One-to-One Relationships 195
Many-to-Many Relationships 196
Model Inheritance 198
Queries and PolyModels 199
Creating Your Own Property Classes 200
Validating Property Values 201
Marshaling Value Types 202
Customizing Default Values 204
Accepting Arguments 205

8. The Java Persistence API. 207
Setting Up JPA 208
Entities and Keys 209
Entity Properties 212
Embedded Objects 213
Saving, Fetching, and Deleting Objects 214
Transactions in JPA 216
Queries and JPQL 217
Relationships 220
For More Information 225

9. The Memory Cache. 227
The Python Memcache API 228
Setting and Getting Values in Python 229
Setting and Getting Multiple Values 230

Memcache Namespaces 231
Cache Expiration 231
Deleting Keys 232
Memcache Counters 233
Cache Statistics 233
The Java Memcache API 234

10. Fetching URLs and Web Resources .239
Fetching URLs in Python 240
Fetching URLs in Java 242
Asynchronous Requests in Python 244
RPC Objects 246
Processing Results with Callbacks 247

11. Sending and Receiving Mail and Instant Messages. 251
Enabling Inbound Services 253
Sending Email Messages 254
Sender Addresses 255
Recipients 256
Attachments 257
Sending Email in Python 258
Sending Email in Java 261
Receiving Email Messages 263
Receiving Email in Python 264
Receiving Email in Java 266
Sending XMPP Messages 267
Sending a Chat Invitation 269
Sending a Chat Message 270
Checking a Google Talk User’s Status 271
Receiving XMPP Messages 272
Receiving XMPP Messages in Python 273
Receiving XMPP Messages in Java 275

12. Bulk Data Operations and Remote Access .277
Setting Up the Remote API for Python 278
Setting Up the Remote API for Java 279
Using the Bulk Loader Tool 280
Installing SQLite 280
Backup and Restore 281
Uploading Data 282
Downloading Data 286
Controlling the Bulk Loader 289
Using the Remote Shell Tool 290

Using the Remote API from a Script 291

13. Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks. 293
Task Queues 294
Processing Rates and Token Buckets 295
Elements of a Task 296
Task Handlers and Retries 297
Testing and Managing Tasks 299
Using Task Queues in Python 299
Using Task Queues in Java 304
Transactional Task Enqueueing 307
Scheduled Tasks 308

14. The Django Web Application Framework . 313
Installing Django 314
Creating a Django Project 315
The Request Handler Script 316
The Django App Engine Helper 317
Creating a Django Application 320
Using App Engine Models With Django 322
Using Django Unit Tests and Fixtures 324
Using Django Forms 327

15. Deploying and Managing Applications .333
Uploading an Application 334
Using Versions 335
Managing Service Configuration 337
Managing Indexes 337
Browsing and Downloading Logs 339
Inspecting the Datastore 342
Application Settings 342
Managing Developers 343
Quotas and Billing 344
Getting Help 345




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